Plastic Recycling in South Africa

How Can We Help?

We found the biggest list of recycling companies in South Africa. What a discovery! Did you know there are almost 300 plastic recycling companies in South Africa? And those are only the ones we know of. We urge you to contact Plastics SA if your name does not appear on the list. Or if you know of a plastic recycling company who’s name doesn’t appear on the list, please urge them to contact Plastics SA.

Recycle PVC

Strip Curtain Solutions is not a recycling company. We are a PVC strip curtains supplier. But as a responsible corporate citizen we’d like to make it easy for you to recycle PVC, plastic, polymer, vinyl, PET, PP, PE, HDPE and LDPE material. If you are therefore searching “plastic recycling near me”, then you are at the right place. Note, plastic products are classified for easy identification. Below is a list of each type.

List of plastic types for easy recycling
Plastic recycling classification codes

Second hand strip curtains

From time to time we receive requests for second hand PVC strip curtains. There are a number of reasons why this is:

  • a bad idea
  • almost non-existent
second hand PVC strip curtains
Torn and beaten strip curtains
second hand strip curtains
Knit one skip one and torn

The “bad idea” about second hand strip curtains is that by the time we replacing them, the old PVC strips are SO worn, they can only be recycled. Have a look at a number of ​installations we’ve witnessed over the years. These strip curtains have really reached their end-of-life … destined for recycling.

The second reason why it is near impossible to get second hand PVC strip curtains is that every door is made to size. If your door opening is lower in height than the donor installations, then you are in some luck. Bearing in mind, however, that the donor strips will still need trimming (and sometimes a lot) to hide the cuts and lacerations. Will that leave enough length for the height you require? Unlikely, which is why second hand strip curtains are like “hoendertande”. We don’t go there.

Another reason why secondhand PVC strips are a bad idea, is visibility, or lack thereof. We won’t go into great depth here, but when you have a workplace with forklift traffic, and we would assume you have staff on site (aka pedestrian traffic), you are increasing the risk of injury many times. Worn and faded curtain strips just compound the risk. Replacing PVC strip curtains timeously is not a luxury, nor a grudge spending, it is a life saver!


​​The ability to recycle PVC is so obvious that we mentioned it in features of strip curtains​, and again as an important benefit of PVC strip curtains.

A special word of thanks to Plastics SA for ​offering us this invaluable list. Download it, use it, share it. Kindly ​recycle PVC (or any plastic material). Mother earth is screaming for a behavioral change.

Download PDF list of recycling companies